Driver Based Planning with IBM Planning Anaytics

Join our free webinar where will be showcasing IBM’s industry leading budgeting, forecasting, planning and reporting tool. Moving to rolling forecasts in 2022? Wanting to make budget holders more accountable? Wishing to create what-if scenarios to compare?

As the webinar is 30 minutes long we will dive straight into the solution and demonstrate to you how the solution is put together, how easy it is to interact with and walk-through a number of use cases including:

 Moving to rolling forecasts
 Integrated budgeting process with workflow
 Enhance and automate the production of management reports
 Consolidation, balance sheet and cash flow

We have designed the webinar to be as informative as possible with only 5 slides and the rest live demo!

If you can’t attend, let us know and we will send you the recording.

Register here:


Thursday 15th December


11:00 - 11:30 am



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