Rolling Forecasting is the New Annual Budgeting

While increasing economic uncertainty is leading to increased aversion to risk among CFOs, accepting change and uncertainty as a daily norm can help reduce the chance of storms when it comes to an organisation’s future. Just like weather forecasting, financial...

Does Your Business Have The Data Agility That It Needs?

Data is the new battleground. For companies, the situation is clear – their future depends on how quickly and efficiently they can turn data into accurate insights. This challenge has put immense pressure on CIOs to not only manage ever-growing data volumes, sources,...

10 Tips to Improve Rolling Forecasts

Register to our Replacing the Annual Budget with Rolling Forecasts webinar – 27th July – 2:00pm to 2:30pm here: To thrive as a business, you need to be able to predict your future earnings and expenses, so you can make smarter business decisions....

Analytics and the cloud: The Internet of Things

Managing the growth of a connected world to gain new insights Sensors are driving the explosion of data Stop for a moment to consider where sensors act all around you. People can run entire businesses from their phones, vehicles are filled with diagnostic and climate...

Time to move away from Annual Budgets to Rolling Forecasts?

Companies often spend weeks or months developing an annual plan or budget, but by the time they’re finished, the market has changed and the budget has become obsolete. There’s a better way: rolling forecasts. Instead of being once-a-year exercises, rolling forecasts...